Heard about Trump’s taxes and wondering how you too can legally pay less taxes using the U.S. Code?
Let’s face it, you are in business and with COVID-19, paying more taxes because you made more money is not the business. That’s why it’s important to understand how the U.S. Tax Code is set up to help you win… that’s if you know about it.
Don’t get mad at President Trump. Get educated and learn how you can LEGALLY pay less taxes in your business.
Falisha Ball and I teamed up to teach a class in the Start-up 101 Foundations Bootcamp on Legal Do’s and Don’t’s of Business Banking and Taxes. Falisha, who is an accountant and Tax Strategist, taught on how you can legally hire your child aka pass money to your child now for less while teaching them to be CEOs themselves.
I, Chayla Jackson, Legal Consultant for Women CEOs and Small Business Owners, taught on the laws of banking and how you can minimize your taxes legally through various tax saving strategies.
You’ll also learn all the business taxes that you should be paying because states aren’t playing on collecting their money since COVID shut down businesses and tax revenue was acting funny. Folks who didn’t pay, have been arrested for tax evasion or failure to pay state taxes.
Don’t let that be you!
Get access to the class for $12. Yep!
Don’t get mad at the game. Learn to play it.
Get access now to learn how to pay less taxes LEGALLY!