Hey, there! I am Chayla Jackson. Founder of Build A Legit Biz™ and attorney behind 180°Contracts. I am also the creator of a monthly segment, Got Biz Legal Questions?, that allows CEOs an opportunity to anonymously ask and have their legal questions answered.
I am a licensed attorney and legal consultant for women CEOs and small business owners. A Maryland native. I graduated from University of Maryland, College Park and earned my law degree from Georgetown Law.
Aside from all of that, as an entrepreneur myself, I know how important a contract is and how much work it takes to run a business. So, I’m here creating products and services to help you legally build your business, generate wealth, and leave a legacy for generations to come while protecting your profits.
Business is one way to gain wealth. A legal mistake or not having the right contracts in place (or any contract) could cost you.
Invest in your now and future. You could google, or you could save time and money and invest in the 180°Contracts Bundle.